BIOL 470: Announcements about Midterm Exam 3

Clarifications and corrections

  1. In the section on Guest Scientists, Question 3: Please note there is a mistake in the image that appears in your exam (c is printed twice). Refer to the corrected image that appears in the Google Form to answer. If you already answered, please go and change your answer if necessary. Sorry for the mistake.

  2. On the figure from Schluter and Grant’s study of Galápagos finches, the points (circles and squares) show the mean beak depth of finch species that inhabit those islands. However, you don’t need to know that to answer the questions.

  3. On Question 1 of the “5.4 Synthesis” section, there is a typo. It should say “d3 is [the PIC] between species d and e.” Sorry for any confusion.


This post provides some key information about Midterm Exam 3. I will also post updates or clarifications about the exam here if needed.


  • Start: Monday, April 13 (notification by email)
  • Review session/Q&A will be Wednesday or Thursday afternoon (TBA)
  • End: Tuesday, April 21 @ 11:59 PM HST

How to answer questions.

All answers must be submitted via:

  • Google Forms (these are embedded in the exam file when you are connected to the internet).
  • Google Sheet placed within your Google Drive folder (instructions in the exam)
  • You can upload additional files into your Google Drive folder to supplement your answers. This is not necessary, but could be helpful for some. Please reference these documents in your answer submitted through Google Forms so I know to look there.

Getting started

  1. Go to your individual Google Drive folder for this class. It should look something like this.

Your exam has been assigned a unique 6-digit key that should appear in the name of all your files. For example, if your key was 123456, you would see:

  • exam3-123456.html
  • alignment-123456.pdf
  • phylogeny-123456.pdf

Check to make sure these files are there and have the same key.

  1. Copy the file exam3-123456.html (it will have your key rather than 123456) to your machine and place it wherever you will be working on the exam. This file contains all the instructions, questions, and embedded Google Forms to submit your answers. You can do this by right-clicking on the file and selecting “Download”:
  1. Once the file is downloaded, you can open it in a web browser. The file is saved locally, but HTML files are viewed through web browsers and you will need an internet connection to submit answers. Your exam will look something like this:

Check that your file has your email address and unique exam key.
